Friday, 8 November 2013

NOTD; Blurplink Skittles Nails

Back again, this time with a skittles mani. I love skittles manicures - probably because I hate anything that is the same and boring. I hate uniformity (though I'm still an organisational nut with some things), so skittles manicures are definitely my thing.

Also, YAY for non-dominant hand success! I make a habit of doing both hand regularly for the sake of improving my nail art.

My left hand is pretty steady as it is, thanks to a crazy art lecturer I had in college, who tied our dominant hands behind our backs and told us to draw Naked Danny (the fond nickname we gave our 40-something life model) withwhatever  one was left, and an old school teacher I had who did the same with still life painting. 

That was paint however, Polish is a bit more tricky. As it is, this is the first time I've has my right hand turn out better than my left. I call that Progress : D

Basecoat: OPI - Original Nail Envy
Thumb: OPI - Shorts Story, a england - Avalon, OPI - Swimsuit...Nailed It!, Magic Goose - Electra.
Index: OPI- Swimsuit...Nailed It!, China Glaze - Fairy Dust.
Middle: a england - Avalon, China Glaze - Fairy Dust.
Ring: OPI - Shorts Story, China Glaze - Fairy Dust.
Little: China Glaze - White On White, Fräulein 38° Stripers (no names given).
Topcoat: OPI - Rapid Dry Topcoat

Thursday, 7 November 2013

NOTD; Belated Guy Fawkes Night & Galaxy Nails

So, Bonfire night is over with for another year. Had work so didn't get to see as many fireworks as I had hoped (Boo), but saw a few, so I'm happy :) I was however, knackered, so my post for my Fireworks Nails was delayed.

I've combined it with tonight's Mani instead, but I'll get to that in a moment. I was in town last Friday, and the anual Christmas three-for-two at Boots was far more than enough reason for me to splurge on the Models Own fireworks collection, a random bottle from Models Own, and three Rimmel London Spacedusts (All my bank account has to say in this is 'thank gods it's payday this week').

No nail art, I've hit a lag with it recently, but pretty nail varnish is still a good excuse for posting, so without further ado, the pictures :D

Basecoat: OPI - Original Nail Envy
Thumb: China Glaze - Liquid Leather, Models Own - Banger.
Index: China Glaze - Liquid Leather, Models Own - Sparkler.
Middle: China Glaze - Liquid Leather, Models Own - Roman Candle.
Ring: China Glaze - Liquid Leather, Models Own - Rocket.
Pinky: China Glaze - Liquid Leather, Models Own - Catherine Wheel.
Topcoat: Rimmel London - Nail Nurse 5-in-1

And now onto today's nails. The Galaxy Nail Manicure :) This is a Mani I find myself coming back to a lot, simply because it's so damn bloody EASY! You can do it with any colour, and it still looks fabulous, and it will match most outfits if you're inclined to match your nails to your clothes.

I've tried this with green, blue, and pink bases, as well as the usual black. My next challenge will be white. This black one came of a tutorial, which I will link to as soon as I figure out how (yeah, I'm that much of a technophobe).

Basecoat: OPI - Original Nail Envy.
All Fingers: China Glaze - Liquid Leather, OPI - Swimsuit... Nailed It!, OPI - Shorts Story, Essie - Carnival, China Glaze - Techno.
Topcoat: OPI - Rapid Dry Top Coat.

Monday, 4 November 2013

NOTD; Supposedly Spooky Blues

So, going down to help one of my friends from work with the spooky walk for the kids in my home village today. 

They were supposed to be pink, as I was determined to have pink nails for the whole of October for Breast Cancer Awareness but... Well, let's just say I'm momentarily sick of pink. 

I'm in love with blue glow in the dark polish, so I ordered a couple from JENsations on Etsy. And a Pink one, because I'm apparently a glutton for punishment.

Much as I love Glow-in-the-Dark polishes, the confuse me to know end. I thought the first bottle had a broken flower because I didn't charge it *facepalms* got the hang of it though :)

Basecoat: OPI - Original Nail Envy
Thumb: Models Own - Feeling Blue,  JENsations - Lightning, JENsations - Mystique.
Index: Models Own - Feeling Blue, JENsations - Lightning, JENsations - Mystique.
Middle: Barry M - Blue Moon, Orly - Dazzle, JENsations - Lightning, JENsations - Mystique.
Ring: OPI - Last Friday Night, , JENsations - Lightning, JENsations - Mystique.
Pinky: Models Own - Feeling Blue, JENsations - Lightning, JENsations - Mystique.
Topcoat: Seche Vite Fast Drying.